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COVID: JobKeeper 2.0

Aug 11, 2020

***updated 25 Sept 2020***

Who would have thought we would still have people in isolation in August, and be discussing JobKeeper extensions? I certainly had expected the world to be in a better position by now.

Alas, here we are... but thankfully there is some help continuing with JobKeeper 2.0. O...


Buying a Car, Deductions and Fringe Benefits Tax

Jul 18, 2020

In a previous blog on car expenses, we touched on buying a car in your company and possible FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax) implications of providing cars to your employees. Let’s jump in and explain it in more detail.

Is a car an asset?

Yes, a car is considered an asset to your business (even if it feel...


Fringe Benefits (not Fringe Festivals)

Jul 18, 2020

Welcome to a whole new tax! Did you know that there are taxes and reporting requirements (for some people) beyond the year end income tax returns we all do? You might have heard about GST (good and services tax), or CGT (capital gains tax), but today we’re looking at Fringe Benefits Tax AKA “FBT”. 


Fixed Assets

Jul 14, 2020

What is a Fixed Asset Register?

It’s all in the name… a Fixed Asset Register is a list of fixed assets that are owned by a business. It is used to keep track of assets, their book value, purchase date and to calculate their depreciation. In most cases, you can find your Fixed Asset Register in your...



Jul 12, 2020

I appreciate you… and I depreciate your assets.

What is Depreciation?

Depreciation is how we account for an assets value becoming reduced through time and use. It is the measure of decline in value of an asset used by a business to generate income. Assets depreciate at different rates and differen...


Creative Clients - Common Deductions

Jun 11, 2020

You're special. I know it.

So many clients come to us feeling like their old accountants just don't understand them, their industry and the common expenses they incur as part of running their business. 

We get it. 

This blog covers the common deductions our creative clients might be entitled to. ...


Donations (good for them, good for you, good for me)

Jun 03, 2020

Growing up I was taught by my parents that even with a little, we have a lot to give. From the days of having $5 pocket money, to now, I have been putting aside something to give to others. 

Artists have shown their generosity in spades recently, whether the donation is something of value such as t...


COVID: preparing Xero for Job Keeper

Apr 14, 2020

***as at 20 April 2020***

Sometimes we just need someone to spell it out for us, right? 

This blog is for anyone who

  • Uses Xero accounting software*, and
  • Intends to receive the Job Keeper payments, and
  • Has employees

If you have no idea what I am talking about, no stress. Check out the 2...


COVID: so... you're a sole trader?

Apr 01, 2020

***as at 1 April 2020***

It is a big, scary, confusing world out there normally, let alone today, and when we work for ourselves it can feel all that more alone. But, rest assured, we're all this shit boat together sailing the choppy seas... and I am right here with you and I have been trained to r...


COVID: but what about after this is all 'over'?

Apr 01, 2020

Are we there yet?

Nope, sorry my friends. We're at the start of the journey now and yes, there is a long road ahead. I think this COVID stuff is going to impact every human, it is just a question of when and to what extent. I encourage you to be sensitive to one another through this - we're all on ...


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