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Blog Guide

Super Changes 2022

Aug 22, 2022

What is super?

‘Super’ is just short for superannuation. You can get more information on super in our blog if you need. 


What has changed?

There are a few changes effective from 1 July 2022, but there are two key changes relevant to our clients:

1. The amount of the super guarantee (the % of ...


Rental Income

Sep 07, 2021

Thinking of owning an investment/rental property or maybe you already own one but you’re not sure about the treatment of transactions when it comes to tax time? Well, this one’s for you!

What do we mean by ‘rental property’?

A rental (or investment) property is basically a property owned by you th...


South Australia - 2021 Covid Support

Jul 28, 2021

Covid-19 and all these lockdowns are exhausting, we know. While we are super grateful we can work from home and look after you, we understand that for many of you work has been cancelled. The arts, tourism and hospitality seem to be hit the worst, and over and over. Most of our clients are small bus...


Super Duper Super

Jul 23, 2021
Ever wanted to have super powers? Me too. I’m trying to choose between invisibility and reading minds. One superpower I do have though is my Superannuation. It’s like this nice little plant I’m growing that one day will hopefully be a giant fruit tree that feeds me and my family. 

I know that most ...


How To Save For Tax

Jul 14, 2021

How to save for tax

We often welcome new clients to The Real Thiel family that have a few outstanding tax returns to lodge. The first step to being on top of tax is to get everything lodged, and then to pay the ATO everything they’re owed. Clean slate.

When you have a tax bill to pay, this usually...


Family Fun...ds!

Jul 01, 2021

*WARNING: Touchy Subject – Proceed with CAUTION!

In the past I haven’t been very good at sharing. I was the kid who must have EXACTLY THE SAME amount of cordial in my cup the other kid has. If it was MY doll, then you DID NOT touch it. As I’ve grown up I like to think I got better, but when it come...


WEEK ZERO: Joining Accodex

Aug 10, 2018

Well, my friends, I have taken the leap of faith and signed the contract to officially be an Accodex Partner. 

Accodex is a business intelligence and support network enabling freelance accountants to optimise their businesses. Think of it like this - if you work as a Partner in a firm, there are he...


The Tax Fairy

Jul 16, 2018

When they ask you at kindergarten what you want to be when you grow up, most kids respond with something like "nurse", or "fireman", or "teacher", right?

Well this little girl wanted to be a fairy. Solid career choice. 

The funny thing is, at 14, I had actually achieved my life goal of working as ...


5 lessons from a Chartered Accountant.

Jun 05, 2018

After 3+ long years, I am proud to say I am officially a Chartered Accountant; a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. 

 What are the top 5 lessons I learned?


1. Patience

Never has 3 years felt so long. It's been a journey of tears and tantrums, hours and ...


I'm not bossy, I'm the boss.

Jan 27, 2017

Photo credit: Christopher Morrison

I'm not easily offended. It's a skill I have - turning a criticism or put down into a compliment. But one word that would always cut deep and really upset me was "bossy".

I never loved Beyonce more than when "ban bossy" was released. It didn't stop people calling...

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