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Blog Guide

GST = Goods and Services Tax

Jun 06, 2022

It’s that good, we have to tax it. 

GST means goods and services tax. It's a 10% tax applied to most products and services in Australia. This is a tax that is designed to tax the end consumer. It’s almost like when you register for GST you work for the ATO, because you start collecting a tax from y...


Director ID

Jan 18, 2022

 Everyone has a Tax File Number (TFN), and some have an Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Business Number (ABN) but now some people are also going to need a Director ID Number. So many ways to identify you!



This is a new thing, launched 1 November 2021. It will be a unique 15 d...


Hiring Staff

Jul 23, 2021
The time has come to actually get some help. We’ve been there! If you are anything like me it can be difficult to imagine anyone else doing what you do, and it can be hard to let go of some of the control. I’m a strong believer that all things are possible, just not all at the same time, and not all...

How To Save For Tax

Jul 14, 2021

How to save for tax

We often welcome new clients to The Real Thiel family that have a few outstanding tax returns to lodge. The first step to being on top of tax is to get everything lodged, and then to pay the ATO everything they’re owed. Clean slate.

When you have a tax bill to pay, this usually...


COVID: so... you're a boss?

Apr 01, 2020

***as at 14 April 2020***

 One of my favourite sayings is "I'm not bossy, I am the boss", though the word bossy is still quite a trigger for me! 

This blog is all about support and options available to employers through covid. We have a separate blog for sole trader specific covid stuff, focused o...


COVID: so... you're a sole trader?

Apr 01, 2020

***as at 1 April 2020***

It is a big, scary, confusing world out there normally, let alone today, and when we work for ourselves it can feel all that more alone. But, rest assured, we're all this shit boat together sailing the choppy seas... and I am right here with you and I have been trained to r...


Save me the money!!!

Mar 19, 2019

#1 Questions I get asked: What can I deduct for tax?

This blog is going to answer that question for those of you running small companies. Fortunately for you, the tax office is pretty forgiving, so majority of the expenses you incur in running your business can be deducted for tax.

This includes ...


What Business Structure is Best: Sole Trader, Partnership, Trust & Company

Feb 19, 2019

So you’re looking to get started with a business, or maybe you are already underway – congratulations (you’ve already made it further than most). Are you a sole trader? Do you have a trust? Maybe you want to start a company? Or a partnership?

No idea what the difference is? No worries!

I'm going t...


WEEK 23: Where did the time go!?

Jan 25, 2019

Not sure if you noticed, but we skipped a few weeks... You can check out my last blog here.

I have been absolutely flat out with work, which has been great but it has meant that I haven't been as focused on building my business, writing blogs, facebook advertising etc. The results? Lower lead gener...


WEEK ONE: What the hell am I doing?

Aug 17, 2018

I'm exhausted.

I'm overwhelmed.

I'm impatient.

I'm excited.

Week One with Accodex has been full on. It's had me on a roller coaster of emotions but I have made it to week two successfully, and I am hungry for more. 

Let me break it down for you. 

In just this week alone here's what I have achi...

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