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Per diems, Allowances, and Reimbursements

Apr 26, 2023

Are you spending money and getting it covered by your employer?

It may be one of these 3 forms:

  1. Reimbursements
  2. Per diems
  3. Allowances

These are all important forms of compensation for creatives in Australia. These payments help to cover expenses that may be incurred while on the job, such a...


Tease and Tax Time

Apr 21, 2023

Really working those ASSets?Ā 

Thinking of working in the adult entertainment industry?

The statement ā€˜your body, your businessā€™ couldnā€™t be more true, and in more ways than one. The money you are earning is not magical free money with no obligations or tax, and it needs to be reported. We know you...


Car Expenses

Jun 23, 2020


The Vengabus is coming and I hope theyā€™ve done their log book!

Our friends at the ATO appreciate that sometimes we have to use our cars for work so they allow us to make a deduction for that, but there are some really specific rules on who can deduct, for which vehicles, and ...


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