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Blog Guide

Per diems, Allowances, and Reimbursements

Apr 26, 2023

Are you spending money and getting it covered by your employer?

It may be one of these 3 forms:

  1. Reimbursements
  2. Per diems
  3. Allowances

These are all important forms of compensation for creatives in Australia. These payments help to cover expenses that may be incurred while on the job, such as...


Home Office Expenses

Jun 22, 2020

Working from home definitely has its perks - most offices don’t let you wear your tracksuit to work and rock big fluffy uggs either!

Whether you are an employee who works from home, or you run your business from the comfort of your own home, the ATO allows you to claim a deduction for...


Creative Clients - Common Deductions

Jun 11, 2020

You're special. I know it.

So many clients come to us feeling like their old accountants just don't understand them, their industry and the common expenses they incur as part of running their business. 

We get it. 

This blog covers the common deductions our creative clients might be...


Save me the money!!!

Mar 19, 2019

#1 Questions I get asked: What can I deduct for tax?

This blog is going to answer that question for those of you running small companies. Fortunately for you, the tax office is pretty forgiving, so majority of the expenses you incur in running your business can be deducted for tax.

This includes...


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