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GST = Goods and Services Tax

Jun 06, 2022

It’s that good, we have to tax it. 

GST means goods and services tax. It's a 10% tax applied to most products and services in Australia. This is a tax that is designed to tax the end consumer. It’s almost like when you register for GST you work for the ATO, because you start collecting a tax from y...


Buying Your First Home

Nov 23, 2021

Is the ‘Australian Dream’ of buying a house a dream of yours?


It doesn’t have to be. Your goals and dreams need to be aligned with your values and with your vision of your unique life. You do not have to buy a house. You can invest in your future in other ways. But, if you are like me and have c...


Medicare Levy

Oct 15, 2021

Ever wondered what that sneaky ‘2% medicare levy’ thing means in your tax return?

When you are looking at the individual marginal tax rates (being the rates at which you get taxed as an individual or sole trader), it states under the box “the above rates do not include the medicare levy of 2%”. But...


Rental Income

Sep 07, 2021

Thinking of owning an investment/rental property or maybe you already own one but you’re not sure about the treatment of transactions when it comes to tax time? Well, this one’s for you!

What do we mean by ‘rental property’?

A rental (or investment) property is basically a property owned by you th...


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