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Blog Guide

Debt Free in 12-months

Apr 26, 2023

Debt Free in 12-months

1. Get our budget package | Click here (<$50)

Or, for $30 or $0 even! Just buy or borrow some of these books (and continue reading this blog):

    1. The Barefoot Investor
    2. Budgets Donā€™t Work, But This Does
    3. Ditch The Debt and Get Rich

Credit: this summary below is create...


Buying Your First Home

Nov 23, 2021

Is the ā€˜Australian Dreamā€™ of buying a house a dream of yours?


It doesnā€™t have to be. Your goals and dreams need to be aligned with your values and with your vision of your unique life. You do not have to buy a house. You can invest in your future in other ways. But, if you are like me and have c...


Making Contributions to Your Super

Jul 23, 2021

Whether you are an employer paying Super to your employees, or a client of a contractor who should receive Super, or you are a sole trader/self-employed and want to contribute for yourself, weā€™ve got you covered!Ā 

You might be a combination of all of these, and that is ok too! We artists love to we...


Accessing Your Super

Jul 23, 2021
I personally cannot imagine retiring, but maybe thatā€™s because Iā€™m only 30. But, when I do, I am pleased to know I am building my Superfund to fund my super retired lifestyle I plan on having one day.

Most people assume they cannot access their Super until they retire. The purpose of Super is to pr...


How To Save For Tax

Jul 14, 2021

How to save for tax

We often welcome new clients to The Real Thiel family that have a few outstanding tax returns to lodge. The first step to being on top of tax is to get everything lodged, and then to pay the ATO everything theyā€™re owed. Clean slate.

When you have a tax bill to pay, this usually...


Save me the money!!!

Mar 19, 2019

#1 Questions I get asked: What can I deduct for tax?

This blog is going to answer that question for those of you running small companies. Fortunately for you, the tax office is pretty forgiving, so majority of the expenses you incur in running your business can be deducted for tax.

This includes ...


WEEK 23: Where did the time go!?

Jan 25, 2019

Not sure if you noticed, but we skipped a few weeks... You can check out my last blog here.

I have been absolutely flat out with work, which has been great but it has meant that I haven't been as focused on building my business, writing blogs, facebook advertising etc. The results? Lower lead gener...


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