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Blog Guide


Jan 18, 2022

 This is me! Maybe it’s also you? 

There are so many beautifully unique people coming to Adelaide each year for the Adelaide Fringe; performers, producers and support crew from all over the world. Hopefully you make some money while here, but what happens when it comes to tax?

This blog is not des...


Director ID

Jan 18, 2022

 Everyone has a Tax File Number (TFN), and some have an Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Business Number (ABN) but now some people are also going to need a Director ID Number. So many ways to identify you!



This is a new thing, launched 1 November 2021. It will be a unique 15 d...


Medicare Levy

Oct 15, 2021

Ever wondered what that sneaky ‘2% medicare levy’ thing means in your tax return?

When you are looking at the individual marginal tax rates (being the rates at which you get taxed as an individual or sole trader), it states under the box “the above rates do not include the medicare levy of 2%”. But...


Rental Income

Sep 07, 2021

Thinking of owning an investment/rental property or maybe you already own one but you’re not sure about the treatment of transactions when it comes to tax time? Well, this one’s for you!

What do we mean by ‘rental property’?

A rental (or investment) property is basically a property owned by you th...


NSW - Covid Support

Jul 28, 2021

Covid-19 and all these lockdowns are exhausting, we know. While we are super grateful we can work from home and look after you, we understand that for many of you work has been cancelled. The arts, tourism and hospitality seem to be hit the worst, and over and over. Most of our clients are small bus...


Victoria - 2021 Covid Support

Jul 28, 2021

Covid-19 and all these lockdowns are exhausting, we know. While we are super grateful we can work from home and look after you, we understand that for many of you work has been cancelled. The arts, tourism and hospitality seem to be hit the worst, and over and over. Most of our clients are small bus...


South Australia - 2021 Covid Support

Jul 28, 2021

Covid-19 and all these lockdowns are exhausting, we know. While we are super grateful we can work from home and look after you, we understand that for many of you work has been cancelled. The arts, tourism and hospitality seem to be hit the worst, and over and over. Most of our clients are small bus...


Hiring Staff

Jul 23, 2021
The time has come to actually get some help. We’ve been there! If you are anything like me it can be difficult to imagine anyone else doing what you do, and it can be hard to let go of some of the control. I’m a strong believer that all things are possible, just not all at the same time, and not all...

COVID: JobKeeper 2.0

Aug 11, 2020

***updated 25 Sept 2020***

Who would have thought we would still have people in isolation in August, and be discussing JobKeeper extensions? I certainly had expected the world to be in a better position by now.

Alas, here we are... but thankfully there is some help continuing with JobKeeper 2.0. O...


COVID: so... you're a sole trader?

Apr 01, 2020

***as at 1 April 2020***

It is a big, scary, confusing world out there normally, let alone today, and when we work for ourselves it can feel all that more alone. But, rest assured, we're all this shit boat together sailing the choppy seas... and I am right here with you and I have been trained to r...


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