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Blog Guide

Home Office Expenses

Jun 22, 2020

Working from home definitely has its perks - most offices don’t let you wear your tracksuit to work and rock big fluffy uggs either!

Whether you are an employee who works from home, or you run your business from the comfort of your own home, the ATO allows you to claim a deduction for...


Top 5 tips that a lawyer wishes clients knew (wills & estates 3/3)

Jun 17, 2020

This is the last of three articles we've had the amazing Brooke Reardon help us with. Check out the first and second here.

Brooke is the founder of the law firm Wills & Estates, a national firm serving Australian adults in Wills & Estates. She's a total legend and she has been a huge help...


Where thereā€™s a willā€¦ wait, how do I get a Will?Ā (wills & estates 2/3)

Jun 17, 2020

Honesty time - I am getting a Will only now. This is not the kind of blog I can write alone, but the information is super important for many of the creatives and small business owners in my community. So, I have called in my big gun, Brooke Reardon, and asked her some questions.

Brooke is the...


My plan for life after death (wills & estates 1/3)

Jun 17, 2020

Have you ever thought about what happens when you die?

No, I don’t mean whether there’s life after death and if there is, where you might be going… I mean, what happens to everything you leave behind? 

  • Who is in charge of things?
  • How do they know what...

Creative Clients - Common Deductions

Jun 11, 2020

You're special. I know it.

So many clients come to us feeling like their old accountants just don't understand them, their industry and the common expenses they incur as part of running their business. 

We get it. 

This blog covers the common deductions our creative clients might be...


Donations (good for them, good for you, good for me)

Jun 03, 2020

Growing up I was taught by my parents that even with a little, we have a lot to give. From the days of having $5 pocket money, to now, I have been putting aside something to give to others. 

Artists have shown their generosity in spades recently, whether the donation is something of value...


COVID: applying for JobKeeper

Apr 20, 2020

***as at 23 April 2020***

Let's say you ARE eligible for JobKeeper and you are ready to make your application... and then you get totally confused and roll on the floor crying. Same here. 

But, it is my job to translate the mumbo jumbo and get you the help you need. So, I got myself off the...


COVID: preparing Xero for Job Keeper

Apr 14, 2020

***as at 20 April 2020***

Sometimes we just need someone to spell it out for us, right? 

This blog is for anyone who

  • Uses Xero accounting software*, and
  • Intends to receive the Job Keeper payments, and
  • Has employees

If you have no idea what I am talking about, no stress. Check out the 2...


COVID: so... you're a boss?

Apr 01, 2020

***as at 14 April 2020***

 One of my favourite sayings is "I'm not bossy, I am the boss", though the word bossy is still quite a trigger for me! 

This blog is all about support and options available to employers through covid. We have a separate blog for sole trader specific covid...


COVID: so... you're a sole trader?

Apr 01, 2020

***as at 1 April 2020***

It is a big, scary, confusing world out there normally, let alone today, and when we work for ourselves it can feel all that more alone. But, rest assured, we're all this shit boat together sailing the choppy seas... and I am right here with you and I have been trained to...

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